Tuesday, September 3, 2019

b) (ii) Reflection on how I use ICTs tool (digital camera) for practical’s.

In my second lesson I used a digital camera to record a video on which trainees where cutting different techniques of vegetables. A digital camera is one of the good ICT tools in which trainers or trainees can develop greater problem solving and critical thinking skills. Give motivation to learn and also it allows trainees greater ownership of their learning. Once I have finished with the lesson I played the video on the PowerPoint for them to rectify their own mistakes. We send it on their class WhatsApp group for future reference. My positive experience is that it was fun as it supports learning. And the negative experience is that the memory of the camera was getting full easily as we couldn’t record every trainee individually but rather divide them in groups. Yes, I would use it again as it Inspires and engages students it also help to develop learner autonomy and delivers authentic learning opportunities.
The content below is showing a video and a picture of trainees busy in the workshop cutting different types of vegetable techniques in potatoes and carrots.

before vegatables were cut.


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